Read through the subjects on this site and click 'Comment' on any of them to make your view known. Any comments that are inappropriate or make references to specific individuals are likely to be removed (only a handful of comments have ever had to be removed!).
Many people have been asking recently for Mr Summers or one of the Depute Head Teachers to respond to comments made on this part of the mgsOnline site. Issues raised in the Pupil Council Online do make it onto the table at the actual Pupil Council, and Mr MacKinnon does respond to questions raised at this meeting. For example:
Getting healthy food into the canteen
Getting more choice of non-fizzy drinks, not just water, in the fending machines
Letting senior pupils wear variations from their school uniform of white shirts.
All the issues raised do get considered. We will now try to arrange for a 'live' feedback from Mr Summers and the Senior Management team on a regular basis. Keep logging on to find out more!
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