The French are well known for their markets - fresh fruits, smelly cheeses, live animals ready for the rearing / plucking / roasting, and plenty of materials with which to make fancy dress for tonight. We'll be heading off after breakfast to spend the morning in Bayeux market buying some of those live chicks (only kidding) before deciding what we get up to in the afternoon.
Just hoping that the weather cheers up a bit from yesterday's damp :-(
Bonjour Rowan & Glenn! Aussi Il pleut ici! Hope the rugby and football go well. Allez Ecosse! Have fun at the market.
Mum & Dad xx
Posted by: Heather Wallace | May 20, 2006 at 08:21 AM
Bonjour Walton and Igoe.
Hope that you are having fun and that you are not eating all the chocolate that Igoe mentioned in his message home. Steven, I suspect you will be eating healthily and having nothing but apples, oranges, bananas and grapes as I have taught you to have.
Dad can't be here just now, he is with Derek, getting their photo taken with the Scottish Cup at Tynecastle !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Missing you loads. The house is too quiet, except for Chelsea, of course, who is a small female version of you and is very loud.
Have asked Scott Gibson to come round and take your place for a couple of days but he declined. Must be because he knows the state of your room!!!
Speak to you soon through the webpage hopefully. Have fun. Bye for now.
Posted by: Andrea Walton | May 20, 2006 at 10:25 AM
Hi Daniel and Steven,
Hope your having a great time and buying both your mums a fab present at the market !! yeah yeah I know dream on !!
Like Stevens house our house if very quiet without you... BOTH and without Gibby of course!!
The weather here is crap so I am hoping the sunshine is off to France for the next week.
See you both soon, take care.
Mum (and dad and Lauren)
Posted by: Igoe Family | May 20, 2006 at 12:33 PM
Bonjour Callum et al, we hope you are all having a great time and that you are trying out some different food. Remember to try lots of onions and veg not forgetting the snails and frogs legs! Good luck to the Scots for the tournament tonight- remember it's just a game so have fun and join in! Love Mum, Dad and manket Meeks XXXX
Posted by: Mum & Dad | May 20, 2006 at 04:11 PM
Hi Neil
Hoping you're having fun and enjoying the food...... Mum is really missing you... Just to let you know Tony Mowbray has turned down Ipswich to stay with the Hibs.
Mum and Dad
Posted by: John and Katy Reilly | May 20, 2006 at 04:37 PM
Message to Lindsay Barnett
hi! tiz me agen... hope ur havin a good time!! it looks awsome! i hope i get 2 go in 2nd year! im missing u... im listen 2 new cds!!! can u guess wot they r? if uve got time, plz post a message bak 2 us!
fi kirsty xxx
Posted by: Kirsty Barnett | May 20, 2006 at 05:15 PM
Hello Rowan & Glenn thanks for your comments, now - Rugby against the English - remember beating England at rugby or anything isn't a matter of life or death - its more important than that! Good luck to all the team. Dad
Posted by: William Wallace | May 20, 2006 at 05:55 PM
Message for Clare Morris
Hello Clarice, howz u?
hope ur enjoying yourself.makes a change from being stuck in your room.
HAve u tried frog legs yet? they dont taste like anything.
anyway missing u loads see you when u get back
love jo
ps bring me and kez back something nice.
Posted by: JoJ | May 20, 2006 at 06:38 PM
hia adele
hwz u? evrythin is soo borin without u lol
hav a gd time
fi cayz xx
btw hia heather
Posted by: Cayryn | May 20, 2006 at 07:44 PM
Message for Melissa Harper
Hi Melissa. Hope you're having fun. Kimberley is sleeping in your bed while you're away (Fergus is really confused!!!) - don't worry she's kept your room nice and tidy! Hope the weather is better there than here - yes it's raining! What's the food like? Say hi to Amy from us. Enjoy yourselves - we wish we were there too!
Kimberley here! Hiya Meli hope all u guys r having a fun time. Say hiya 2 all the random people. Cya L8tr! Mum, Dad, Kimberley and Fergusxxxxxxxxx
Posted by: Jackie Harper | May 20, 2006 at 07:47 PM
Hi Julie and Laura hope you are having a great time i have heard the weather is not to great!So you won't get a tan!
love Fiona xx
Posted by: Fiona Julie's mum | May 20, 2006 at 08:09 PM
message for Heather Schaffer. Dad visited Glasgow today to see Gran and Grandpa. Emily was superb in her dance show yesterday. Still working through the pile of washing from your room! Hope you are trying French food and having a fun time. We are missing you lots. Dad, Mum, Emily and Suzie.
Posted by: christine schaffer | May 20, 2006 at 08:59 PM
hiya mel,
bet your rooms not as tidy as mum says but sure kim will tidy it before you come home! hope you didn't eat too many chocolate crepes either.remember when you order a steak it could be HORSEMEAT!they say it's very nice,have a ball
auntie mandy
Posted by: mandybrown | May 20, 2006 at 11:05 PM
ment for siobhan lindsay n all da ova wee randoms i ken
enjoy da rest of france da weather is rubbish ere n jst enjoy da rest of it ye l8rz
Posted by: sara | May 20, 2006 at 11:22 PM