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« Vacances | Main | Sunday's activities - Quel BEAU temps »

May 24, 2004


Lynne Nicol

Hi Katie

Another lovely day here, hope its as good with you. The house is still quiet and I am having to make conversation with your Dad and Tom! I hope you have a wonderful time in Paris and you don't feel as wobbly as I did on the Tour Eiffel. Give our love to Montmartre and have a crepe for us.
Mum XX

Hélène de Morel

Bonjour !
J'espère que votre voyage en bus s'est bien passé sous le beau soleil de Normandie ! Pendant votre tour en bateau-mouche, regardez bien les façades des immeubles, il y a des appartements magnifiques avec de superbes terrasses. On les vois encore mieux de nuit, mais le soleil se couche trop tard...Dites également bonjour à Notre Dame pour moi, et si vous avez le temps, allez voir un glacier très connu qui s'appelle Bertillon, qui est sur les bords de la Seine. Il doit proposer au moins une centaine de parfums différents ! Pour moi, ce sera une pistache - chocolat noir, merci.
Hélène de Morel Collège de Périers

Dougie Williams

Hi Graham

How was the fancy dress - have you got the paint off yet? Your brother's found your stash of Pro V1's and is putting them to good use - didn't think you'd mind? Enjoy Paris and see you soon. (Really looking forward to my 5:00am rise on Friday!)

Dad, Mum & Michael

ernie els

hi graham,
Your Dad found lots of balls as well, in the rough when he was searching for his

Elaine Clark

Hi Julie

Hope your journey to Paris went well. I will be online at 8pm when you go on the boat trip so make sure you give us all a wave. Have fun.

Mum xxxx

kenny denise and susie stitt

hi there chloe and kirsty, hows paris. we really do hope you are all enjoying yourselves and not giving the teachers any hormone trouble..........
we wish you were with us in alcudia its spookily quiet without you. hope the black summer collection is as "cool" as you thought it would be. love mum dad and the pest.xxx

laura & davy

David C

Hope the journey to Paris was ok. Sure you'll have a good time there. Remember last year when we dragged you (literally) around the sites in Paris - how you loved it!! Give us a wave from the boat tonite.

Mum and Dad

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