Happy New Year from the mgsPodcast team. This one has taken FOREVER to get out, but such is life in a busy secondary school. What ways are there to fit this kind of entertainment podcasting into the life of a school? Comments welcome!
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alright guys, hows the podcasting goin, i know iv not been in an handed in any new music. If ud like some just give me an e-mail an ill send some or come in. lookin forward to the next podcast. Keep it rockin. Beat master J
Posted by: Beat master J (a.k.a Jamie) | March 24, 2006 at 11:00 PM
Hi, I'm an old pupil from Musselburgh Grammar. This might be the wrong place to post this, but it was the only place I really had access to. I just wanted to say this site is awesome. The blogs for trips & podcasts are such great ideas!
Posted by: B | May 25, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Found your site via this post:
Great stuff kids!
Posted by: CF12 | December 31, 2006 at 07:23 PM
I'm an artist and live in LA and I love your podcast! I hope you do find ways of continuing to integrate it into the school program. You might consider broadening your definition of 'entertainment podcasting' to include presentations of all kinds from the students (reports, papers, etc), in addition to news and standard radio fare.
Posted by: hollywoodcanary | January 14, 2007 at 09:32 PM
Hi! I'm the chaplain of Exeter School, in Devon, where we're running a weekly termtime podcast a bit like yours. I've been watching yours with interest since my father lives in Joppa and I'm often up in Musselburgh! You've done some great stuff - any chance of any more?? If you're planning to continue, it would be great to met up sometime when I'm in Scotland and swap ideas, experiences, sources of material and the like! Anyway, all good wishes for a great term.
Posted by: John Allan | September 29, 2007 at 07:18 PM
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Posted by: Air Jordan shoes | November 03, 2010 at 02:48 AM
Happy New Year from the mgsPodcast team. This one has taken FOREVER to get out, but such is life in a busy secondary school. What ways are there to fit this kind of entertainment podcasting into the life of a school? Comments welcome!
Posted by: True Religion Outlet | March 29, 2011 at 04:33 AM
entertainment podcasting into the life of a school? Comments welcome!
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