The New Statesman, Britain’s leading political magazine, in association with Atos Origin, the leading IT services company, announces the short listing of the mgsPodcast in their New Media Awards in the category of Innovation.
The key themes of this year’s awards are "ingenuity, modernisation and accessibility". They intend to award those who have achieved something of benefit to others, whether in their community or in society at large. Since 1998, these awards have promoted projects that embrace new technology, fresh thinking and creative management in the UK.
“Society has always been promised a great deal by the digital revolution,” says John Kampfner, editor of the New Statesman. “The 2005 New Media Awards will highlight the projects that have really delivered on that promise.”
“We are absolutely delighted to be short listed for this award,” says Ewan McIntosh, Modern Languages Teacher and web coordinator at Musselburgh Grammar School. "It's a great achievement for the pupils who are, after all, the ones doing the hard work of putting everything together.
"Hopefully, if we can win the award, we will be able to convince more and more teachers to use podcasts as a way of teaching and get more pupils engaging in their education. There are already thousands of subscribers to the show. That can only be a small sign of things to come."
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