Dear Parent
SQA Examinations
The examinations started at the beginning of the month for S4, with S5/6 going on study leave on 12th May.
The invigilators have been complimentary about the behaviour and the serious attitude pupils are showing at this time. I am concerned, however, about the difficulties we are having as a school in contacting parents when pupils are absent from an examination – can you please ensure that we have accurate contact numbers as we may need to contact you in an emergency? This point was mentioned in the last newsletter.
PTA Car Boot Sale
The car boot sale held on Saturday 22nd April was highly successful with the sum of £321 raised for the school. My thanks to all who came and my appreciation to the members of the PTA for organising this.
PTA Newsletter
Please find enclosed a copy of the latest PTA Newsletter. Can I draw your attention to a meeting arranged for 12th June to discuss the Parental Involvement Bill which has the support of both the School Board and the PTA. You can also respond on the Council’s Exc-el website(www.exc-el/, which is a very exciting new development.
Please find enclosed a copy of the school uniform details - there is no change from last year. Giving parents details at this point should help you buy the correct uniform for August. Thomson’s, based in Dalkeith, are the school suppliers for sweatshirts and can supply other items too. A copy of their order form is also enclosed which can be handed in to the school with payment or sent to their shop in Dalkeith or items can be ordered online. Where parents are in difficult financial circumstances, the school (thanks to the PTA) can assist and a pupil’s Head of House is the person to approach on this matter.
The inspectors were very happy with our approach to uniform in developing a positive school ethos and I would ask all parents to continue being firm with their children over uniform each and every day.
Activities Days
We have designated Thursday 24th and Friday 25th May as our Activities Days this year and pupils should be listening to announcements in registration and looking at noticeboards to see what is on. The normal teaching timetable will be suspended on these days.
S2 pupils: MidYis tests
S2 pupils sat MidYis tests at the end of March and the results of these tests are now with us. They will help us keep an eye on pupil progress over the next 2 years. The authority has provided the funding for this and I think it will be money well spent.
Trinity / Guildhall Guitar Examinations
My congratulations to the following pupils for their performance on guitar: Mark Johnston - Merit at Grade 6; Danielle Malinen – Honours at Grade 3; and Melissa Harper - Merit at Grade 1.
Mrs Laidlaw, appointed on a temporary contract since August, has now joined us as a permanent member of the office staff following a successful interview.
Mrs Gieben has joined us as PT Communication Provision as the authority is establishing a Communication Base at our school for pupils on the autistic spectrum. She previously supported this group of pupils at a similar Base at Musselburgh Burgh Primary School and they are now of age to come to secondary school.
Work outside Sports Centre
The contractors started work some time ago and we were quite insistent that the school gates would remain open as the pupil point of access in the morning, lunchtime and at close of school. We were not prepared to have pupils trying to come in through the vehicle entrance in the middle of the turning circle for obvious safety reasons at the busiest times of the day.
U16 Football
Congratulations to the Under 16 Football Team on winning the Lothian School’s Football Association Knock Out Cup. They beat Holyrood High School 2-1 in a thrilling match on Saturday 20 May. This made up for the defeat by Newbattle High School last week in a pay-off for the League title.
Yours sincerely
Head Teacher