Dear Parent
Parental Newsletter April 2006
I would like to welcome everyone back to school after the Easter break.
PTA Car Boot Sale ( from 10 o’clock until noon)
A reminder that following the successful event earlier this year, another car boot sale is planned for this Saturday 22nd April. Admission is free to customers, with a charge of £5 for sellers with cars or £7 for vans.
Pupils late back to school after lunch
Pupils should be back in the school grounds by 1.25 ready for classes to start at 1.30. Some pupils are choosing to go down the street for their lunch and are not reappearing by the stipulated time. It is being claimed that the new arrangements at Tesco are a cause of this. That excuse is not being accepted – all pupils are currently served in the Dining Hall by 1.05 and pupils can have lunch in school rather than going down the street, and Tesco also say that they have finished serving by 1.05. If you choose to go down the street, you accept the responsibility of being back on time. Persistent offenders will be put on detention.
We have seen a reduction in pupil latecoming in the morning since we started setting detentions last month.
Parents dropping off and collecting pupils
I would ask that all parents who drop their child off by car stop either in the turning circle outside the school gates or on Inveresk Road itself, please. The school car park was not designed for this purpose and there is an increased risk of accidents when cars are coming both in and out in the morning.
Similarly, please do not collect your child by parking inside the school gates at the end of the school day.
Parents who have business in the school during the working day are welcome to use the visitor car park bays nearest the playground.
Generally, most pupils are wearing school uniform, but we have noticed an increasing tendency for girls in S3 and S4 to be taking liberties with uniform items. Pupils should be in white or light blue polo shirts or shirts, not t-shirts; large belts and excessive jewellery are considered to be fashionable items and should not be worn.
A recent consultation with pupils about to move into S5 and S6 showed an enthusiasm for a shirt and updated tie. Some work still has to be done in finding a top to go with this.
We have made arrangements with Thomsons who can supply polo shirts and school sweatshirts. Parents can either visit their shop in Dalkeith, order online, or complete an order form available from the school.
Parental Phone Numbers
All parents are asked to ensure that the school is notified when there is a change of home, work or mobile number so that we can reach you in case of emergency and so that we can contact you for automatic absence from school calls.
SQA Examinations
Pupils in S4-6 will commence their national SQA examinations in the coming month, with Standard Grade Art and Design being first on Wednesday 26th April, and Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 and Higher Art and Design occurring on Friday 5th May.
S4 examinations will commence on Tuesday 2nd May – with exam leave from that date until 5th June – and S5/6 examinations commence on 12th May - with exam leave from that date until 5th June also.
All pupils will have an individual timetable issued to them this Friday and a parent should be aware of the days and times of all exams for their child.
No pupil should miss any examination or any paper whatsoever without good reason. If your child is ill, please contact the school to notify us. A letter from the doctor is required to allow us to request absentee candidate consideration from the SQA – without this, your child will not be given an award in this subject.
All pupils will receive very clear instructions for all examinations which they should follow. In particular, no candidate should have any electronic device with them in the examination hall – this includes mobile phone and MP3 players – whether on or off. One candidate had an examination result removed by the SQA for this last year – it is an absolute rule and must be obeyed. Leave them at home please.
Education Maintenance Allowances
A letter will be sent to the home address of every S4 and S5 pupil next week from East Lothian Council explaining the allowance and urging as many pupils as possible who are eligible to apply for the allowance. Please discuss this with your child if they are in these yeargroups.
PPP Work during Easter holiday
A new floor was laid in the Dining Hall, holdback systems were fitted to doors on the ground floor, a repair was made to a leaking water pipe and FES commenced key suiting in the school.
Parents4Parents - Workshop
I received a communication from this group who are running a workshop on “Homework –who needs it?” on Friday 21st April from 1-4p.m. at Haddington Corn Exchange. A place can be booked by phoning 0131 653 3977.
Significant dates this term
Monday 1st May – Holiday for staff and pupils
Tuesday 2nd May – Holiday for pupils, staff in-service day; start of S4 examinations
Tuesday 16th May – start of S5/6 examinations
Tuesday 23rd May – S1 Parents’ Evening 7.00-9.00
Wednesday 24th May – School Sports Day
Thursday 25th and Friday 26th May – Activities Days
Monday 29th May – start of new timetable for S1-3 pupils
Monday 5th June – start of new timetable S4-S5 pupils
Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th June – P7 pupil visits
Thursday 22nd June – Summer Concert
Monday 26 and Tuesday 27th June – Merit Awards ceremonies
Wednesday 28th June – School Prizegiving
Friday 30th June – close of school for summer holidays
Yours sincerely
Head Teacher