HMIe Inspection of Musselburgh Grammar School w/b 5th December 2005
The inspectors have been very busy interviewing staff and pupils and visiting classes. The inspection of the four departments was completed by Tuesday and it became the turn of staff in other departments to be visited later. The Managing Inspector gave the SMT a verbal report on Friday. A draft report is to be produced and discussed with us, then the final published report will appear in late March 2006. I am not permitted to say much at present: I would merely say that they found very many strengths in the school. My thanks to the very many parents who completed questionnaires about the school and sent them to the Inspectorate. Your views will feature in the report’s early paragraphs.
Queen Margaret University College Roadshow 7th February 2006
As many of you will know from the local press, Queen Margaret University College is relocating to Musselburgh. Having a university campus right on our doorstep is a wonderful prospect for the town and a real advantage to our young people. The college will be coming to the school to talk to our S2 and S3 pupils on 7th February in the afternoon, but there will also be an opportunity for local people to come along to the Roadshow later in the day, from 5.30 to 7.00, with a presentation by Rosalyn Marshall, the Vice Principal, at 6 o’clock. Please put this date in your diary.
Class Act
A group of our S6 pupils have been working with the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh for the last few months, writing brief plays with the assistance of a playwright, on a variety of themes and in various styles. The series of 13 plays were finally performed on Wednesday 31st November at the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh by a group of young actors. I felt immensely privileged and proud to be in the audience that evening – writers, friends, family and teachers ensured we had a full house for the performances. My congratulations to Ms Hyslop and her team of authors.
Course Choice evenings for parents of pupils in S2 and in S4/5
Several parents have mentioned to us that they would find it helpful to have the option choices process explained in more detail face to face rather than just by the booklet which we issue. We therefore have arranged to hold an evening meeting for each group: on Wednesday 1st February 2006 for S2 parents at 7.30 and on Wednesday February 8th 2006 for S4/5 parents at 7.30. Mr. MacKinnon, Miss McIntosh and myself will take the meetings from the Senior Management Team and we will be happy to take individual queries after the presentation. I intend to seek Careers Scotland presence at the evenings as well. Specific queries can then be directed to departments on the S2 Parents Evening on 1St March 2006.
East Lothian Complaints Leaflet
Please find enclosed a leaflet with this newsletter. It outlines the procedure which parents should follow if they have a complaint about any school in East Lothian, emphasising that the school should always be given the opportunity to address the complaint first.
As a school, we think we deal with parental concerns and complaints quickly and honestly. Contact us by telephone or letter just as before.
East Lothian Autism Group
The National Autism Society has been involved in establishing this group locally. The group, composed mostly of parents, is keen to involve others. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 18th January 2006 at 6.30 p.m. at Hallhill Healthy Living Centre in Dunbar. Contact either Marie Prior on 01620 829909 or Robert Moffat on 0141 221 8090.
Tribute to Musselburgh World War Two Veterans
This event will take place in the Brunton Hall on Friday 27th January 2006. Various pupils are likely to be involved as representatives for the school. The organiser Dr Tom Renouf is very anxious to trace any Musselburgh born or bred WW2 veterans who are not aware of the event. If any parent knows of a veteran who has not been contacted, please contact me at the school and I will pass on details to him.
Children in Need
A recent coffee morning organised by Elite Catering and the seniors raised £520.
End of term – events and arrangements
As usual, we have a very busy end of term.
Wednesday 14th December – Pantomime afternoon for a group of S1/S2 pupils, Pantomime performance in the evening for seniors and adults – tickets £1.50 for both adults and children, with the proceeds going to the World Vision charity.
Thursday 15th December – Christmas Concert at 7.30 in the Assembly Hall. Tickets are £1 for adults, 50p for children.
Monday 19th December – S1-3 Dance 7.00 – 10.00 Tickets are now on sale.
Tuesday 20th December - Christmas Service 9.15-9.55
S4-6 Dance 7.30 –10.30 Tickets are now on sale.
Wednesday 21st December - Fashion Show (Tickets £1.50 from 10.00 to 12.45)
School closes at 2.30 on Wednesday 21st December for pupils and staff.
The school reopens on Monday 9th January 2006 at 8.45 for both pupils and staff.
I wish everyone connected with the school a good holiday.
Yours sincerely,
Ronnie Summers
Head Teacher