Hi folks, especially the S2 pupils following the blog.
Well, Philip, Carolyn and I arrived in Krakow yesterday to some beautiful sunshine. It was apparently only 15 degrees, but it felt a LOT warmer than the 15 degrees we have in Scotland. We had a very quick tour of Krakow, some lunch and a drink, and then went shopping for some of the amber stone that comes from the coast in Poland, near Gdansk (look it up on the map of Europe) and is sold everywhere in Krakow.
Today we have been shooting some film and getting to know the class in Zabrze's school. It's a small class - only 14 or so people - but it has been great working with them. They speak wonderful English and tomorrow you will be able to hear soime of them speak in MGS's first Podcast from Zabrze, Poland!!!
We have been discussing the idea of borders and it's been really interesting. Zabrze (pronounced Zabrshee) used to be half German, half Polish until quite recently. The hotel we are staying in is on a road that split the town into two countries.
So are borders important? Why do we have them? Who draws them? Why do we need passports to travel when we are all in the EU?
If you have any ideas on this to help tomorrow's discussion please leave them here.
Otherwise, wait for tomorrow Podcast show and find out what our Polish friends say.
Maybe we have borders for the same reason that people have garden fences: we like to know what is "ours" and what isn't?
Besides, some Modern Languages teachers would be out of a job if we were all in the same "garden"!
Posted by: Chris | April 28, 2005 at 11:02 PM